Understanding the Relationship between Market Value and Sporting Performance of Elite Football Teams
The value of sport science to practical, real-world applications continues to progress as teams apply greater discipline to their data and analytics approach.
How does this mid-season World Cup impact the top football players in the world?
With a World Cup programmed from November 20th to December 18th, 2022, the governing bodies had to modify the domestic leagues and cups schedule as well as European and international competitions.
Confronting Concussion
We built an intuitive solution that integrates all the information, from baseline testing, to testing field-side after an event, to all the information collected from follow-up tests and recovery assessments.
Igniting a new era of player development across the world of sport
Optimizing training at the individual level with Kitman Labs’ breakthrough new Coaching & Development Solution.
Planning the Microcycle: Can Research Improve Practices?
Everything in life is about balance. From ancient Greek history, we have learned that balancing work and recovery is compulsory for optimal health and performance.
Die Stärke der Analytik mit der Intuition von Trainern und Fußball-Scouts kombinieren
Analytik ergänzt die hart erarbeitete Erfahrung von langjährigen Scouts, indem sie Clubs während der Rekrutierung dabei hilft, eine genauere Bewertung der Spieler zu erhalten. Dies dient nicht nur dazu, das höchste (und am besten geeignete) Potenzial zu identifizieren, sondern auch dazu, unterschätze Spieler zu erkennen, die später mit einem respektablen Gewinn verkauft werden können.
Combina el poder de la analítica con la intuición de los entrenadores y los ojeadores de fútbol
La analítica viene a complementar la dilatada experiencia de los ojeadores veteranos al ayudar a los clubes a obtener una valoración más precisa de los jugadores durante el proceso de contratación, no solo a la hora de identificar los talentos con mayor potencial (y más adecuados), sino también para detectar a aquellos jugadores infravalorados que puedan venderse más adelante obteniendo un considerable beneficio.
Performance Medicine Changes the Industry
Kitman Labs CEO Stephen Smith answers questions on his team’s latest innovation to help elite sport organizations achieve greater performance on and off the field.
To Rest or Not to Rest? That is the Question
We look at a really interesting topic with no easy answer: planning the microcycle in elite football.
Injury Analytics in Sport: Beyond the Black Box
Recent advances in techniques to explain machine learning models are opening up models that were previously considered black box models. This, in conjunction with the injection of sports domain knowledge and club context through robust data explorations, feature engineering and feature selection, combine to allow practitioners to see the reasoning behind the model outputs and enable them to incorporate into their decision-making.