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Analytics vs. Coach’s Intuition for Player Development

Watch Stephen Smith, Founder & CEO of Kitman Labs, discussing Analytics vs. Coach’s Intuition with Glenn Crooks, host of The Coaching Academy on SiriusXM FC.  Listen to the entire segment on the SiriusXM FC App with your subscription or a 3-month free trial:


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Stephen Smith 0:00
So, what they wanted to understand was of all of the different types of drills that were performing for each characteristic.

Stephen Smith 0:06
So they will have specific drills, let’s say that help them with, you know, defending they’ll have certain drills that will help them with pressing, they’ll have certain drills that will be helping, helping them with like counterattacking, for example.

Stephen Smith 0:18
So what they wanted to understand was of these drills, which ones actually delivered the biggest bang for our book.

Stephen Smith 0:23
So there’s obviously a limited window of time that they have to get these athletes on the field, which drills should we be using, are going to give us the biggest improvements.

Stephen Smith 0:31
So what we’ve been able to do is come in and actually analyze all of the different types of drills and link them back to specific outcomes and help them to understand if you only have 20 minutes to work on this particular characteristic.

Stephen Smith 0:42
This is the drill that you use, this will deliver, you know, 1.6 X, the outcome that this particular drill would and that is like that level of insight.

Glenn Crooks 0:51
That’s a, that’s a game changer because that, that’s gold because you only have a certain amount of time with these athletes, you have to get them off their feet.

Glenn Crooks 1:00
It’s massive.

Stephen Smith 1:01

Stephen Smith 1:01
Well, they made it essentially it’s telling them as well in some scenarios like this, that it would take you two sessions to deliver the same stimulus with this drill than it would one session with this particular drill.

Stephen Smith 1:11
So it becomes a very simple mathematical equation to say, ok, you know, where, where, where do we get the biggest impact?

Stephen Smith 1:17
And how do we focus there?


Performance Medicine – Medication and Stock Management

Medication and Stock Management centralizes the tracking, logging, and dispensing of medications while integrating with athlete medical data, ensuring compliance, accuracy, and enhancing transparency. Practitioners gain real-time access to medication histories, stock levels, and medical alerts, streamlining workflows and supporting safer, more informed care decisions.

Performance Medicine – Mass Scan

Mass Scan in the Performance Medicine Solution automates bulk scanning, splitting, and assignment of medical documents, centralizing records for streamlined organization and quick access. This enhances compliance, reduces administrative workload, and allows practitioners to focus more on player care

Crafting a Data-Led Strategy to Victory

Watch part three of the Leaders Performance Institute Podcast Series, where industry leaders discuss their holistic approach to data and analytics to drive success across all stakeholders, departments and disciplines.



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